Are You Ready to Turn On The Strong,
Passionate Woman You’ve Always Dreamed Of Being?


I’m thrilled that you found this page! It’s an honor to connect with you.

You’re in the right place if….

You’ve been overwhelmed and exhausted by what’s expected of you in life and what’s happening in the world. You just want to relax, know and do what you are meant for, have your success come from being guided. Have a relationship that matches your awesomeness - not the person you’ve become, but the one you really are when all the pressure is lifted.

You are constantly giving, giving, giving and receiving nothing but leftover crumbs in return.
You know you are capable of so much more, but you don’t know how or where to start.

You’ve had enough and are ready for MORE of what you truly WANT! More love, more passion, more joy, more creativity! MORE, MORE, MORE!

Well, I hear you! And I am here to help!

Did you know that as a woman . . .

You can use the power of your feminine energetic intelligence as natural magnetism to draw in and create what you want? You can own and enjoy your sense of pleasure, joy and sensuality and watch as everything you’ve wished for comes to you with effortless ease.

Your feminine energy is there for you to access anytime, but you haven’t been properly connected with how to wield your own power. Instead, you were taught to put the needs of others first. You guaranteed the joy of others, taking care of everyone else as you’re left with whatever crumbs are left.

When you learn to really pay attention to your satisfaction levels, making sure that each choice feels absolutely right to you and absolutely gratifying
to you, you’re going to make choices that enhance your life and the lives of others - and it’s my passion to show you how!

Like you, I struggled with always being “on” mentally. I was emotionally fragile and efforting through life. I was scared that if I slowed down for even a moment, everything would fall apart.

Sound familiar?

There is an epidemic afflicting modern women today. We are wiped out and fatigued in a way that goes deeper than just needing more rest. We’re experiencing a resignation that unplugs us from the fulfillment of actually accessing our energy.


Pause. Breathe. Soften. Love.

Self-doubt always manages to creep in somewhere and makes us feel like we have to control everything.

We are plugged into our electronic devices, yet completely unplugged from that sense of unbridled enthusiasm and intuition with which we were born.

Imagine a life where you could just PAUSE. Be in your FLOW. Receive guidance from your natural and organic INTUITION. Where money and love and contribution were just part of your everyday experience.

This is what “She Magic“ is all about: Reconnecting you to your authentic feminine power so YOU can flow through life with ease and grace.

You will learn what TURNED ON feminine energy is and how, by embodying it, YOU will become a magnetic force field, attracting everything you want to YOU.

After immense pain, failure, healing and self-study, I designed this life for ME. So, I know this is also possible for YOU.

When you learn to ignite your feminine power, you’ll also know that you can’t live without it another second. The cost is too high for everyone and everything you are here to impact and influence. We are here to usher in a new humanity and every second we are disconnected from this causes
widespread pain and energy drain in you and everything you are here for.

You are a SOUL-POWERED-WOMAN, and I am here to give you the blueprint to Tune in, Tap in and Turn on your WELLSPRING of Feminine Intelligence and THRIVE!!


Are you ready to say YES?

When you say YES! to “She Magic” you are saying YES to taking a 7-step journey into what makes you tick! Yep, I will take you into the subconscious patterns that are running the show and we will get in there with your higher self and do a remodel.

Here is the bounty you will RECEIVE:

  • 7 Mentoring calls where we will journey into the subconscious through trance-like meditations. You will be learning skills like establishing a grounding cord, setting your aura, cutting cords, clearing pictures, establishing certainty, establishing a body of glass, bringing the womb to present time consciousness and MORE. Each call will include direct real time LIVE mentorship with me, Dr. Stephanie, along with our SoulPowered woman tribe of support.

  • 7 Shadow dancing sessions where you will explore the underpinnings that motivate your psyche to react and respond in ways that hijack us from source energy and the energy of Feminine Intelligence! You will get a handle on why we sometimes respond to a reasonable argument with a significant other like a three year old, why when someone talks over us we feel like we want to die, why when someone tells you you’re not good enough you either believe it and sink down or fight it and react to prove they are wrong, why when someone tells us “it’s your fault” we melt down
    or get bitchy, why we overachieve to prove we are a somebody out of fear we will be a nobody. There are dark shadows and also light shadows. When we intentionally explore what they are, it’s like merging with best friends that have been with you most of your life and inviting them to be back on your side, bolstering your BRILLIANCE to GLOW.

  • 7 yoga sessions for mastering a body connection with each portal


Your Adventure begins with these crucial steps

Using the PRIESTESS MEDICINE WHEEL there are 5 parts to
each STAGE of “She Magic”!

Shine Into Your Shadow - Here you will uncover how your unconscious disconnection and detachment from aspects of your family, bloodline and culture masquerade as YOU in the world and how to bring the REAL YOU back into the fold.

Portal Quest - Be your own psychic - We will dive into your subconscious and your energy systems to gain valuable personal insights and give you lifelong tools for cutting cords, clearing energetic pictures, raising your vibration, optimizing your frequency, claiming new standards and using your feminine creative energy to be in the driver’s seat. You will be designing your reality and dream life without apology, without settling and without downsizing for others comfort.

Body Anchoring - Everything that happens in your life happens in your body. Here you will learn to anchor each stage of “She Magic”! In each portal I’ve identified specific yoga poses to strengthen a sustainable connection with your changes. AND each portal has an associated glandular system that is the powerhouse to your health here- I will direct you to the best ways to know and care for your health in this way. A healthy body promotes a healthy life!

Ritual and Ceremony - This is where you really claim the magic of the feminine. You will get my most potent mantras, herbs, tinctures and iconography which sets the atmosphere for the feminine to thrive in everyday life.

Community - Your community service assignments are integral to overall sustainability of feminine leadership in the new world. The THRUST of our mother energy includes activism. Inherently, we know what is right and just and for our world. To thrive we MUST stand for our children, the planet, the elderly, the homeless, those that don’t have access to the light, those struggling and underserved, and those that just need someone to believe in them. This is a must for your own success and a world that thrives - you, WE, have the KEY to the future and our actions are currently defining it.



Without this you become an overly controlling, rigid, and often a bitchy version of yourself. And I know this is the very last thing you want.

  • Learn how to create a GROUNDING CORD and establish authority in your life.

  • Get to the bottom of where your insecurities come from and deepen the timeless power that comes from knowing your birthright is to BE HERE and BELONG.

  • Access stored memories that go back as far as the womb and heal the fears that have been getting you stuck so you can move forward with TRUST!

  • Bring light to shadow aspects of the psyche to feel unified and whole.

  • Embody a sense of sovereignty from what EVERYONE ELSE expects of you and tap into your own AUTHORITY.

  • Leverage key qualities of both masculine and feminine energy and when to use each for a healthy balanced life.

  • How to KICK START each day with an energetic cleanse that leaves you feeling light, rooted and clear for all of your daily interactions.

  • Boost your certainty and GLIDE through life knowing you can’t ever really be knocked down.



Without this you become rigid, dogmatic and quick to judge. I know you’d rather be trusting the online dashboard of your senses to guide you.

  • You will get your energy turned on by feeling more with all the senses and access passion and range like never before. If you have a career idea brewing and/or soul mate to capture this is a MUST for you.

  • What you need to BE to heighten your sensory awareness so you dazzle with attractiveness drawing your goals and desires TO YOU!

  • How to step into your unique feminine essence so you naturally attract a strong potent partner (…without putting on an act or doing anything that’s ‘not you’).

  • How to smooth the flow of emotions by letting go of your innate resistance (Result: Negative emotions will dissipate faster and positive ones will last longer).

  • Keys to setting up your atmosphere, choosing pleasure and joy where radiating love becomes a natural state for you (…even if something stressful happens, you’ll know how to connect to your core and shine with your feminine light).



Without this you end up exhausted and resentful from doing it all yourself. This is not your nature. I know you will thank me for helping you with this one.

  • Release drama and align with your dharma by getting to know who you are, why you are here, and what you are made for.

  • Illuminate how a nurturing presence generates power.

  • Design a life based on what you are made for - like the seed of the oak tree knows the full expression of the tree in all of her glory.

  • The caterpillar knows the essence of the butterfly. You know this too and it’s not about effort it’s about aligning with your true power that exudes naturally in your blueprint.

  • Learn how power comes from direct downloads from source and not from the mind, from a strategy, from step by step goals.

  • Play with balancing the masculine blueprint of power you can control and predict and feminine power that comes from trusting the greater intelligence.

  • Know your deep desires and confidence to emerge with the true power and leadership that is already yours.

  • Awaken personal boundaries so you aren’t always selflessly giving without getting anything in return. Learn why putting the needs of others first is the most selfish thing you can do (and how to become ‘truly selfless’ so you can better serve others without compromising your own needs).

  • How to disrupt the subconscious ‘fear patterns’ that have been holding you back your entire life (so you can give your gift and shine with all your light without fear or judgment. Most people go their entire lives without ever becoming aware of these!)

  • A simple thing you can do to connect with ‘The Source’ and step into a leadership role and become the strong, powerful woman that you were always meant to be.



Without this one you feel like a lone soldier on the battlefield of life. Love is the answer to all fear… LOVE actually is ALL.

  • Discover what energies are pulling on your heartstrings and release pain to open to pleasure

  • Uncover hidden drains that are sucking dry your capacity to love fully

  • Recharge your trust in the subtle cues of your heart and avoid having it
    shattered again

  • Integrate passed heartaches and become a magnet for true love

  • Learn to light up a room with your natural glow and inspire authentic
    heart relationships

  • Why embracing your feminine and accepting yourself unconditionally is the first step to truly and authentically loving someone else. (Once you truly understand this and experience the magic, you’ll never go back to your old way of being, ever!)

  • How to light up a room with your natural feminine glow and inspire
    authentic heart to heart relationships with everyone you come in contact with (…people will feel like they’ve known you for a lifetime!)

  • An amazingly simple way to let go of negative emotions like jealousy,
    anger, resentment and open yourself up to become a magnet for true love

  • Spark self-love with a unique movement sequence designed for your personal yoga practice for opening your heart center and facilitate the free flow of unconditional love and joy in your life



Without this you end up SUFFERING IN SILENCE and too distracted to really hear what others are saying and then fretting because you haven’t expressed yourself fully. You’ll be so happy to feel the ease of authentic relationships filling your life.

  • Experience the bliss that comes from truly taking in another’s voice and having yours celebrated in return.

  • Soften insecurities around being assertive and access the energy to speak your spark.

  • Free the weight of suffering in silence.

  • Glide through even challenging conversations with new skill sets that involve cooperation versus isolation.

  • Kiss defensive communication patterns goodbye and welcome your ability to be a Soul Powered leader.

  • Tap in with a morning mantra to begin expressing your vibration each

  • End embarrassment that you don’t have anything important to say or you don’t know exactly what to say. Catalyze growth and evolution through communication that is sometime silent and always honoring.

  • How to truly let go of your defensive patterns that closed you off to other people and adopt new communication skills that allow you to reach their hearts.

  • How to revel in the spaciousness that comes from the true expression of your feminine essence (and facilitate expression in the people around you to create a circle of expression, collaboration and cooperation).

  • Learn to resolve conflicts quickly and move on even quicker (without
    dwelling on anything for hours or losing your state of flow).



Without this one you are often feeling less than and that you need MORE education, degrees and certificates and others approval before you believe you are good enough.

  • Awaken the medicine of your intuitive flow state and live in the zone (once you learn how to access this state at will, you will attract success like a magnet!)

  • Rekindle a relationship with your higher self and gain access to intelligence that shapes you to be your very best.

  • Nurture your connection with source energy. Awaken your higher knowing to quiet your masculine mind [needing to figure everything out].

  • Release limiting beliefs that have been blocking you from the help of your higher self.

  • Flow, knowing you are being guided always.

  • Access a morning yoga practice for being a receiver and amplifier of
    feminine energy.

  • A no-fuss way to banish the internal critic that tells you that you’re not good enough (…and how to actually use it to reach your true potential).

  • A morning practice for relaxing and expanding into your being so you get into a state of ‘flow’ and things happen naturally for you.

  • How to calm and relax yourself and access your higher intuitive self when something negative happens that throws you off.

  • Become aware of the avenues where self-doubt can creep in and rob you of the love and joy you deserve (…and how to deal with them for good).

  • Simple practices to develop a deep intrinsic trust with yourself so you never doubt or second guess yourself ever again, regardless of the challenge you’re facing.



Without this one you forget that you are part of something bigger and you busy yourself with the ‘small stuff’ as a distraction to fill up your days because something inside you always knows their is something missing.

  • Elevate your vibration by trusting in the sacred nature of sisterhood and join hand in a sacred sisterhood that is just as devoted to seeing your dreams come true as theirs.

  • Why the feminine thrives when held in “community” and how you can use it to become love and help sponsor others through their evolution.

  • How to develop timeless connections with people and never feel alone on your journey.

  • Illuminate the Magic of your Legacy and how the lasting effect of our co-creations is a driving force of a sustainable feminine SOUL POWERED life.

  • Create a tribe that shares values of growth and empowers you to reach your true potential and become a source of love and inspiration.

  • Explore, Expand and Engage in opportunities to harness our tribe in community service outreach with other Soul Powered women.

  • Unearth the subconscious patterns that stress you, cause you to freak out and dictate the overall theme of your life (…and more importantly, what you can do to break free of them or yourself and the world that needs you).



With our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee you can try the training out for 14 days risk free. If you are not satisfied with the program for any reason, we will gladly refund your tuition.




30 minutes a day.


Most people notice a shift as soon as they register for this class and they find themselves in the energetic container being held for you. Others usually after the first meditation. The shadow work is very powerful and many women that have been afraid to look at deeper patterns have said this was the most powerful part of the program and also graceful at the same time.


You can access the weekly calls live by joining the online stream with a provided link. If you can’t join us online, you can join us by phone and listen in! These calls will be held over Zoom and the schedule will be available to you shortly after registration.


Yes, absolutely! We are a growing community and tribe. Many women develop strong bonds while in this sacred container together. We have SOUL POWERED WOMAN Retreats and gatherings.


We are here to witness you exactly as you are. There is no rush. You can go at your own pace with the material. There will be a lot of 1:1 as well to support you with your journey. Many women with fear, anxiety, worry, introverts and extroverts are all welcome and we will do our best to be with
you and guide you to the exact information you need.


Yes, feminine shows up in many ways. Just as unique as your fingerprint, honestly. We are here for you in exploration of feminine no matter your gender, orientation, color, race, religion etc. This is not a homogenous group. We value diversity and we, including myself, are here to not only share but to be curious and learn from and with you.