Welcome to the QUANTUM HUB

Dr. Stephanie see’s client’s live for Network Spinal Chiropractic Care on a limited basis.

Dr. Stephanie is the founder of: Energy Flow Studio. A Community built around a common agreement. That wellness requires courage, follow through and desire. It is not always about feeling better. It is about better feeling. A ‘quick fix’ is an illusion. If the short cut was the real it would be the way.

We believe slowing down, unraveling distortions and defense patterns from the nervous system allows the truth of the body to emerge.

Often the start of a healing journey with us is one of deconstruction. We give a map to gateways where ease and health can be accessed throughout the nervous system and connective tissue tensegrity matrix.

With those safety anchors in place we begin to strip away the energetics that are not coherent with ones essence. Later in care we support the nervous system grow toward its coherently aligned life. This leads us to work with the heart and soul as higher order influencers of one’s life.

The spine, and nervous system, is the primary modulator of energetics between the depth of the human and the expansiveness of the quantum field.

Network Spinal

Network Spinal is a holistic technique focusing on analyzing spinal cord tension patterns found in a person's spine due to acute and chronic stresses.  The application is a series of gentle precise contacts on the spine that stimulates the nervous system to up level in coherence. Allowing the body to self-regulate and dissipate tension.  Network Spinal creates two healing waves through the spine that promote self-healing, release of old behaviors/patterns, and replaces them with more optimal strategies for optimal living. This is not spinal manipulation, this is spinal evolution!.

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Pause. Breath. Soften. Love

I am a woman that is devoted to the path of feminine and masculine energetic integration.

We live in a world culture of patriarchal dominance.. It is in every single nook and cranny of our psyche, behaviors, relationships, work environments, and way we live our lives. Much of this is unconscious, buried in our body’s and managed by our identities and roles.

This cuts at the heart and womb of the feminine. Without the feminine all of humanity becomes robotic, punishing, punitive, shaming,, linear, and lacking creativity and the value of mystery.

I offer private coaching, short courses and containers with me that serves feminine led living. I hold a container for woman creators that are healers running businesses. LIT is my premier coaching container for this work and is available by application only.


Experience MORE

Dr. Stephanie offers regular experiential opportunities in the form of Workshops, Retreats, and Energetic Sessions. Click the link below for a full calendar and scheduling.